Monitor & predict from a single view

Real-time content feeds from across the web and social media — layered with predictive interaction data

Create Monitoring Dashboards on NewsWhip Spike

NewsWhip Spike is the only real-time media monitoring platform that comms teams use to predict the stories and topics that will matter in the hours ahead.

Monitoring Dashboard gives you the content and the context needed for real-time media monitoring


View web & social content together

Your monitoring dashboard displays real-time feeds of data from web publishers, along with posts from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and Instagram each in their own widget so you can view and sort content for easy discovery.

Easily digestible

Your widgets display content in one view which show you article and posts sorted in order of public engagement.

Always informative

Sort feeds by the metrics that matter most to you, including most recent, and highest level of predicted interaction.


Make confident, data-informed decisions

Every article or post gives you real-time engagement data so you know exactly what matters. Web and Facebook content comes with predicted interaction data so you can identify what will matter in the next 24 hours.

Find what matters right now

Real-time interaction data tells you what to pay attention right now.

Find what will matter next

Predicted interaction data tells you what is or isn’t about to become the next big story.


Detect every opportunity

Unique NewsWhip metrics help you sort content by Highest Velocity or Overperforming, so you can surface the most viral content at any point in time, or use Highest Velocity to trigger alerts from your dashboard.

Find the most viral content right now

Use Highest Velocity to detect articles & Facebook posts that are quickly gaining public interest across social media.

Find the content that stands out

Overperforming helps you to discover posts from smaller publishers that are performing better than expected.

Features that give you insight into what matters


Bring public interest and media interest together to fully understand the size of any story, or trend.


Uncover the highly engaged authors, websites, and communities that can deliver your message where it’s heard.

Graph with article plotting on crisis timeline

Content Feeds

Feeds of articles and posts from across the web and social media, sortable by level of engagement or virality.

Real-time insights on activations

“NewsWhip was a great addition with real-time stories and insights across a variety of topics informing content, activations, brand strategies, and on-property pull-through.”

Aynat Ravin

Head of M Live, Marriott

Launching a product

“If you’re going to launch a new product, you probably want to do a premortem, and why not use a tool like NewsWhip to say, 'Okay, we’ve come out with these risks, now let’s see, how do folks feel about this?' Whether it’s on the social vector scale of NewsWhip or the online news sources, and then you can start to go from there.”

Christopher Rivera

Director of Reputation & Risk, Samsung

Quantify your efforts

“I feel very confident that being able to quantify it, using tools we had and showing the team how big this really was and how much it was over indexing against an average or a norm, I think just it clicked, it immediately clicked.”

Michael Young

Global Insights Manager, Ford


Take your comms insights from hindsight to foresight

Learn how NewsWhip can help you be more proactive in your comms strategy and keep key stakeholders informed every step of the way