Real-time Prediction

Focus on what’s going to  matter in the hours ahead

Up-to-the-minute data that gives you predicted levels of public engagement for every story.

Prediction is available on NewsWhip Spike

NewsWhip Spike is the only real-time media monitoring platform that comms teams use to predict the stories and topics that will matter in the hours ahead.

Predict public engagement with content in real time

NewsWhip’s prediction gives you up-to-the-minute data on how much interaction stories will get across social media.

Predict across web articles and Facebook posts

Prediction is available for every published web article globally, along with public posts on Facebook.

Predict engagement up to 24 hours into the future

Identify how much public engagement any online article or Facebook post will get, up to 24 hours into the future.

How comms teams stay ahead with prediction

Find trends earlier than anyone else

Brands and PR agencies are using prediction in NewsWhip Spike to identify the articles and posts that are going viral.

Focus on what matters

When stories and crises are breaking, prediction is there to tell you which articles and posts are going to stand out so you can ignore the noise.

Get ahead of any issue or crisis

Thanks to NewsWhip’s real-time monitoring and measurement, the early detection you get from alerts combined with prediction means you can prepare responses before it’s too late.

Plan with confidence

The accuracy of NewsWhip’s prediction combined with threshold level alerts gives you the confidence to decide what’s important and what isn’t, so you’re always targeting the most important narratives.

Get clarity on what matters

“We could see that something was happening with this one story. We were tracking obviously on Spike looking at velocity, predicted interactions, looking at how fast this story was growing in a certain amount of time.”

Michael Young,
Global Insights Manager,

Access prediction throughout NewsWhip Spike

Predictive Alerts

Keep you & your team ahead of every developing story

Trigger alerts for articles predicted to hit an engagement level that would require action and get a crucial head start on every story.


Surface the stories that are predicted to be popular

Sort your content feeds by predicted interactions to bring the stories that will matter most to the top of your dashboard.

Visual engagement trajectory

Predict where any story’s public engagement will land

Real-time graphs plot public engagement levels from the minute they’re published, up to 24 hours into the future.

How does NewsWhip prediction work?


Article and post engagement is measured in real time

Our technology discovers new web articles in as little as 60 seconds, and as soon as we discover content, we measure the engagement it is receiving across Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest at regular intervals for 24 hours from time of discovery.


The rate of change in public engagement is used to predict future engagement

Every time we check engagement levels, we measure the rate of change since the last check. By doing this, we can measure how quickly content is gaining new social interactions. Our algorithm uses this data to predict the level of engagement the content will get when it is twice its age, to a highly accurate level.


As new data is received, the prediction algorithm updates

With every interval check, we are able to measure how quickly engagement is changing, and if the rate of interaction is slowing down. This means that our predictions are constantly updating to improve their accuracy, so you always have the most accurate prediction of article importance.

More features in NewsWhip Spike


Bring public interest and media interest together to fully understand the size of any story, or trend with Timeline.


Uncover the highly engaged authors, websites, and communities that can deliver your message where it’s heard.

Graph with article plotting on crisis timeline


Real-time predictive alerts that keep you informed on the stories that matter when you’re not actively monitoring.



Take your comms insights from hindsight to foresight

Learn how NewsWhip can help you be more proactive in your comms strategy and keep key stakeholders informed every step of the way