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AI Digest

Whether you’re leading a newsroom, responsible for brand communications, or advising clients, you need to stay one step ahead of the latest twists and turns in the race for the White House.

Let NewsWhip’s free US presidential race AI Digest do the heavy lifting for you. Every day you’ll receive an AI Digest delivered directly to your inbox, highlighting the most engaged articles from across the political spectrum, keeping you informed of every emerging narrative across the internet.

NewsWhip’s AI Digest

NewsWhip has the world’s fastest content discovery, so you get an up-to-the-minute understanding of how much engagement articles are getting as soon as they are published.

Our unique metrics, enhanced with AI, then give you the context you need to get a snapshot of the day’s most important stories.

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Powered by NewsWhip’s Research Center

The US Elections AI Digest is developed from searches and dashboards built by The NewsWhip Research Center, the central intelligence hub of NewsWhip. The center focuses on researching social media, demystifying the spread of news and information, and providing insightful interpretation of the vast social data that surrounds us.

Our digest includes sources from across the political spectrum, so you’ll be able to step outside your normal news diet and see what is engaging on both sides of the debate.

Powered by experts in the spread of news

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Continuously reviewed and refined

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Finishes November 30th

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