Six tools and resources for combating misinformation in 2023

May 4, 2023

Written by NewsWhip

In the current digital landscape, the spread of false or misleading information is a concerning issue due to its ability to influence public opinion, shape political discourse, and lead to harmful actions or decisions to both individuals and society at large. Also, the fact that this information can be quickly and easily shared only worsens the issue.

Therefore, it is important that we take responsibility for what we consume and share, and fight against misinformation when we find it. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of essential tools that can help others combat misinformation in 2023.

The best tools for tracking misinformation

1. NewsGuard

NewsGuard is a company whose browser extension provides users with ratings and detailed information about the reliability and trustworthiness of news and information websites, giving them a percentage score based on those factors. 

Using trained journalists to evaluate websites based on a defined set of criteria, such as accuracy, transparency, and fairness, NewsGuard helps users make informed decisions about the news sources they rely on.

2. NewsWhip 

NewsWhip is a real-time media monitoring tool that allows users to track narratives across the internet. By leveraging this feature, users can identify who is sharing particular information, see what articles are being written, and follow emerging narratives from specific publishers. 

This tool can be valuable for journalists, researchers, and others who seek to respond with accurate and reliable information, ultimately promoting media literacy and reducing the impact of fake news and misinformation, as well as helping them prioritize what to respond to with its predictive capabilities.

3. Media Bias/Fact Check

Media Bias/Fact Check is a website that rates news sources based on their bias and factual accuracy, providing readers with information about their credibility. 

It offers detailed information about each source’s history, ownership, and funding, and rates them on a scale from extreme left bias to extreme right bias. The website also provides an overall rating of the source’s factual accuracy, ranging from “very high” to “very low.” 

4. is a non-partisan website that monitors and verifies the accuracy of claims made by politicians and public figures in the United States. Additionally, the website aims to promote media literacy by educating the public on how to identify and spot fake news and misinformation.

5. Google Fact Check Explorer

Google Fact Check Explorer is a web-based tool designed to assist fact-checkers, journalists, researchers, and the general public in detecting and monitoring debunked claims across the internet. 

It operates like a search engine, allowing users to search for specific claims or topics and view fact-checking articles and sources related to those claims.

6. News Literacy Project

The News Literacy Project is a non-profit organization that aims to equip individuals with the necessary tools to become well-informed and discerning consumers of news. Their website offers resources, such as interactive lessons, quizzes, and fact-checking tools, to help individuals improve their media literacy skills. 

The prevalence of misinformation in the digital world highlights the importance of reliable tools such as browser extensions, fact-checking websites, and media monitoring tools to combat both misinformation and disinformation. By being responsible for the information we consume and share, we can maintain the integrity and reliability of the content, and contribute to a more trustworthy and informed society, and these tools and resources are a way to begin doing that.

Read more about how NewsWhip helps in the fight against misinformation on our misinformation page.

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