Real Problems, real-time solutions
A brand’s reputation can be compromised lightning fast in today’s digital age. This NewsWhip/PRWeek report unveils tools and tactics to help communicators respond just as quickly so they can effectively combat or — better yet — avoid such crises.
Don’t be misinformed
With each passing day, combating misinformation climbs even higher on the list of comms pros’ priorities. In fact, the vast majority of them (82% according to our survey) chose it as the most dangerous to their brand from among a sea of potential threats. And while the road ahead remains long, it’s certainly encouraging that two-thirds of our pool feel brands are better prepared to deal with it than they were three years ago.
Which of the following types of misinformation do you deem most dangerous?
How worried are you about the impact of misinformation on your brand?
Do you feel brands are better prepared to deal with misinformation than they were three years ago?
Monitoring progress
How would you rate your current ability to monitor how news stories spread across social?
The top 6 commonly cited limitations/ frustrations with existing media-monitoring tools.
As compared to 2021, will you be investing more in 2022 on data and tools such as real-time media monitoring?
How effective are you currently at identifying the journalists/ publishers/ creators who are driving interactions with your content?
Then and now
Progress can only be measured in comparison to a starting point. When it comes to key tactics related to crisis and reputation management, this is certainly true. From measuring whether the C-suite has increased the importance it places on reputation — nearly two-thirds (64.7%) have over the past half-decade — to gauging the level of acknowledgment that internal matters (read: employee related) impact external sentiments about brands, the data below, in aggregate, shows significant — and encouraging — shifts. And they all bode well for communicators, including in their efforts to make necessary improvements in areas where they currently struggle.
Has your C-suite’s focus on company reputation increased or decreased in the last five years?
Rate your current ability to predict the stories and topics that can have the biggest impact on your brand
Thinking back to the most recent crisis you went through, how would you rate the way it impacted your company’s performance?
Do you believe internal decisions (e.g. employee matters) can cause more external reputational harm now than five years ago?
Read the full report
Deep dive into the data in our full PDF