Microsoft Teams Integration

Real-time and Predictive Alerts Directly to Microsoft Teams

Insights direct to MS Teams

NewsWhip’s integration with MS Teams makes it easier than ever to make sure our unique insights are at the fingertips of the right people at the right time, enabling faster decision making and a more collaborative approach.

Never miss an important mention

Real-time & Predictive Alerts

Anticipate the news cycle

Get alerts on breaking news in as little as 90 seconds after publication, or use our predictive engagement threshold to be the first to spot what’s going viral.

Customizable Teams Alerts

Noise-free Alerts that really matter

Customize your alerts and only receive updates on the topics, events, and brands you care about — filtering out the noise and keeping your team focused on what matters.

Delivery everywhere

Public or Private Channels

Collaborate with your whole team by getting alerts directly to any public channels, or keep certain topics within a select group with our exclusive private channel capabilities.


Can I comment on an alert message on Microsoft Teams?

Yes and so can anyone in the channel. If an alert was set up to be sent to a channel, any member can comment on it, sparking collaboration within your team for a faster, more confident reaction.

What do alerts look like on Teams?

NewsWhip Alerts come with the link to the news or social post, as well as the name of your dashboard and public engagement, so you know how they are performing on social media.

Can I send alerts to multiple channels?

Yes, you can receive news and social updates in multiple channels by setting up one alert per channel of your choice.

What type of alerts can be sent to Microsoft Teams?

All real-time and predictive alerts can be sent to Teams. Scheduled alerts are sent exclusively via email for easy and quick insights. If you wish to see all our alerts in action, book your demo today

Sharing made easy


Create a real-time alert in NewsWhip Spike to receive up to the minute public engagement data on relevant articles & posts.


Connect your Slack account and receive every alert as a message in any public Slack channel or as a direct message in real time.

“NewsWhip’s alerting functionality is among the best I've seen in the industry. I feel confident setting up alerts that I'm not going to end up spamming my stakeholders with too many or too few alerts.”


Real-time insights on activations

“NewsWhip was a great addition with real-time stories and insights across a variety of topics informing content, activations, brand strategies, and on-property pull-through.”

Aynat Ravin

Head of M Live, Marriott

Launching a product

“If you’re going to launch a new product, you probably want to do a premortem, and why not use a tool like NewsWhip to say, 'Okay, we’ve come out with these risks, now let’s see, how do folks feel about this?' Whether it’s on the social vector scale of NewsWhip or the online news sources, and then you can start to go from there.”

Christopher Rivera

Director of Reputation & Risk, Samsung

Quantify your efforts

“I feel very confident that being able to quantify it, using tools we had and showing the team how big this really was and how much it was over indexing against an average or a norm, I think just it clicked, it immediately clicked.”

Michael Young

Global Insights Manager, Ford

Chat with us today

Chat with a member of our team today to learn more about how you and your team can benefit from our unique insights on demand as well as our flexible pricing models to suit your needs.

On the call we’ll explore:

Our unique suite of alerts and reports

How they can be customized to suit your needs

Our flexible pricing to suit your budget

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