Integrate with Slack
Get NewsWhip Alerts sent to you & your team on Slack
Real-time notifications
Never miss an important mention
Send your alerts from NewsWhip Spike into public Slack channels or directly as a DM.
Create your alert in NewsWhip Spike
Create a real-time alert in NewsWhip Spike to receive up to the minute public engagement data on relevant articles & posts.
Connect to Slack and send alerts in real time
Connect your Slack account and receive every alert as a message in any public Slack channel or as a direct message in real time.
Real-time and predictive
Trigger Slack alerts for what matters
Your NewsWhip Spike alerts can be sent to Slack for every new article, or only those predicted to hit an engagement threshold.
Direct or shared
Send alerts to channels or as a direct message
Slack alerts can be sent to any public Slack channel to keep your team up to date, or as a direct message to reduce channel noise.
Trigger alerts based on their importance to you
NewsWhip Alerts can be setup to send for every new article or post, or using current or predicted engagement thresholds.
How can I get NewsWhip Alerts in Slack?
If you are new to NewsWhip, then you can request a demo by clicking here.
If you are an existing NewsWhip client that uses Slack, your Customer Success Manager can get you started with sending alerts in Slack. Click here to email your Customer Success Manager.
Can I edit alerts within Slack?
Alerts are managed and edited from the Alerts Centre in NewsWhip Spike.
Can I send alerts to private Slack channels?
Slack does not support sending alerts to private channels.
What type of alerts can be sent to Slack?
All real-time alerts can be sent to Slack. Scheduled alerts are data rich, so these are an email only alert to make sure that they can be insightful at a glance.
More NewsWhip features you’ll love
Excel integration
Export Timeline’s public interest data, media interest data, and your notes into a .csv spreadsheet in 1 click.
MS Teams integration
Real-time and Predictive Alerts Directly to Microsoft Teams
Powerpoint integration
Bring public interest and media interest data from the NewsWhip Timeline widget into PowerPoint in 2 clicks.
Ready to discover your own insights?
Learn how NewsWhip can help you take advantage of real-time media monitoring with a 15 minute call