Chat with us today

Speak to a member of our team to find out how NewsWhip’s predictive media insights help comms leaders to understand the chaotic world of social and digital media, delivering clarity on what’s happening – and what will happen.

During the call, we’ll explore how our unique technology can help you:

    Contextualize time-sensitive issues

    Understand key topics in the news

    Forecast if a story will matter tomorrow

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    During the demo, you’ll learn about our unique product features such as:

      Real-time engagement social data

      Our predictive analytics

      Real-time and predictive alerts

      Real-time insights on activations

      “NewsWhip was a great addition with real-time stories and insights across a variety of topics informing content, activations, brand strategies, and on-property pull-through.”

      Aynat Ravin

      Head of M Live, Marriott

      Launching a product

      “If you’re going to launch a new product, you probably want to do a premortem, and why not use a tool like NewsWhip to say, 'Okay, we’ve come out with these risks, now let’s see, how do folks feel about this?' Whether it’s on the social vector scale of NewsWhip or the online news sources, and then you can start to go from there.”

      Christopher Rivera

      Director of Reputation & Risk, Samsung

      Quantify your efforts

      “I feel very confident that being able to quantify it, using tools we had and showing the team how big this really was and how much it was over indexing against an average or a norm, I think just it clicked, it immediately clicked.”

      Michael Young

      Global Insights Manager, Ford

      Trusted by

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      Condé Nast logo
      Reuters logo
      Nissan logo
      Microsoft logo
      Condé Nast logo
      Condé Nast logo
      Reuters logo
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      Microsoft logo