How an international Energy Company saved $200k per year with NewsWhip’s Predictive Alerts and AI Digests

March 6, 2024

Written by Paul Quigley

NewsWhip works with a multinational Energy Company to help them monitor live issues, understand the social media landscape, and support internal stakeholders with media reports, digests, and alerts.

The challenge:
How to provide enterprise-wide media monitoring on a limited budget?

The company’s head of monitoring is responsible for keeping various company departments ahead of a variety of topics, from energy transition to global conflicts, to carbon capture and other political issues, as well as regulatory developments all over the world.

Traditionally, this is labor-intensive work — gathering the most important news from thousands of websites, and sifting to find the most important stories. Some departments sought daily updates on important issues, seven days a week. Meanwhile, budget constraints prevent the monitoring team from hiring additional headcount to handle the workload.

There was more. In addition to keeping departments up to date, the monitoring team was also tasked with scanning for threats, misinformation, and activist attacks, which could flare up at any time on media or social media.

The team had tried automated alerts and daily digests from traditional media monitoring tools, but these were too frequent, lacking any filters for significance, and often raised more questions than they answered. 

They were not at the quality required by the monitoring team’s stakeholders.

The solution:
Using NewsWhip’s AI Digests and Predictive Alerts to filter what matters, and deliver it where and when it’s needed.

The Energy Company brought in NewsWhip to handle these challenges – focusing in particular on NewsWhip’s AI Digests and Predictive Alerts. 

For distributing media digests across the company, the team implemented AI Digests. This feature takes any search or topic of interest and delivers a scheduled, AI-generated rundown of the top themes, and links to media coverage, ranked by levels of engagement.

The team found the quality and relevance of NewsWhip’s AI digests so high that they were confident in setting up automated reports to dozens of stakeholders and departments — without the fear of irrelevant or low quality information going through. They could customize frequency, length, and other elements to meet stakeholder needs, knowing that only the important news would be delivered — avoiding the risk of over-communication and alert fatigue.

Thanks to NewsWhip’s unlimited usage and unlimited data model, the team could set up dozens of alerts, and set up additional ones on any new issue as it arose. 

For threat and issue monitoring, the team implemented NewsWhip’s Predictive Alerts function, which sends an alert any time a story from a topic of interest is predicted to reach a certain threshold of engagement.

Thanks to NewsWhip’s real-time content discovery and dynamic content scoring, the team was able to trust the alerting system when an issue bubbled up, and know that their stakeholders would be kept informed of impactful news within minutes.

With these two solutions, the Energy Company’s various information needs could be met, all within a far lower than anticipated budget.

We didn’t work that weekend, because NewsWhip worked for us.

The benefit:
A 4x-8x ROI, 313 days of work saved

Implementing NewsWhip’s AI-powered alert and digest functionality resulted in the multinational energy provider not only meeting the reporting demands of the broader team, but also achieving substantial cost savings. 

By streamlining the process, the head of monitoring and his team estimated that NewsWhip’s AI digests and alerts saved his team over 2,500 hours of work in 2023— equivalent to 313 days or more than a full working year of someone’s time. This would have amounted to more than $200k per year in contract hours, or $400,000 in agency investment. 

We have other social listening tools, but the alerting functionality of NewsWhip gives us a completely separate return on investment.”

Based on the hours saved, the team calculated that this was a 4x-8x ROI on their investment in NewsWhip vs. outsourcing the work to an analyst, or an agency.

In addition to the direct ROI from digests and alerts, the monitoring team also use NewsWhip’s capabilities for real time listening of Facebook, X, Reddit, Instagram and other platforms, for virality and engagement metrics in media reporting, and for bringing predictive insights to managing crises and issues.

To learn more chat with a member of our team here.

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Paul Quigley

Paul Quigley is CEO of NewsWhip, a technology that empowers the world’s leading publishers and brands to predict and understand the stories that will engage their audiences. Paul founded NewsWhip in 2011 to “find the most interesting stories in the world”. Each day its platform is used by thousands of journalists, marketers, and communicators in 30 countries to spot opportunities and deepen their understanding of what stories will engage audiences, and why. Email via

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